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Everyone asks me why, and how I got into making these ice cream sandwiches and cakes. Well, the easy and short answer is I have a passion for making delicious food that people thoroughly enjoy eating! I always imagined myself having a food truck, and even planned it out how I would travel around bringing joy to people through food!

Now, the more evolved answer! Before we had our baby boy, Waylon, my husband and I loved to travel. One thing we would ritually do during our travels is find the best ice cream spots to stop at. We love being active, doing races (Spartan races, trail runs, even a marathon!) and seeing the country. That part hasn't changed! We also love to treat ourselves, and our treat of choice has always been ice cream!

I would like to think I've learned a lot through eating at this place and that! One thing I've definitely learned is there is no bummer like getting ready for your splurge, and you feel cheated afterwards! Ice cream should, by law, be fun and pure enjoyment!! That's why I wanted to create the most delicious and decadent treats I could imagine! How better than by mixing homemade, small batch ice cream with homemade baked goods and sundae style toppings?!

I also wanted to make interesting flavors that were still familiar and comforting. Everyone can relate to blueberry pancakes, why not try it as an ice cream sandwich?! Guess what, it rocks (at least that's my humble opinion!)! LOL

So, I got an ice cream machine-and now there's no turning back! I love getting the opportunity to do this! There's nothing more rewarding than having someone tell me they thought their sandwich or cake was delicious! I love that I already have repeat customers that truly love the products and choose them as their special treat!

It may sound corny, because it is at the heart of it just ice cream, but it feels great to bring some joy and happiness into the world.

Which brings me to why I named the company Waylon's Handcrafted! As much joy and happiness as ice cream gives me, my son Waylon amplifies that by an infinite number! What better way to honor him than by naming something so sweet and happy after him! That's why if I don't think each sandwich and cake is amazingly delicious, I don't make it! That's my husband and my philosophy, and it's just as simple as that!

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